If it’s about championing your health, with less compromise and more ease, then I’m the coach for you.


 Hi! I’m Michelle. Health & Mindset Coach, Author, Life Experimenter.

I’m on a mission to help amazing women like you.

You are strong and determined.

Responsibility doesn’t scare you but lots of rules do.

You want to live your life with a body that you love and feel confident in.

You no longer want to wake up exhausted and walking through your day on auto pilot.

And you really, really, don’t want to ‘do’ another diet or exercise regime because actually you love food not restriction.

You crave more energy, better mood and want more body confidence.

You are just not sure how to make that happen.

I can help you with this.

 It is absolutely possible to make simple changes that give you health on your terms whilst embracing food (& with a huge pinch of fun!)

I will work with you to:

  • Identify patterns of behaviour and thoughts that are holding you back

  • Learn how to eat in way that respects you and your body

  • Build your confidence (inside and out)

  • Create positive habits that support your health goals

  • Create a practical action plan with clear steps that gives you the change you want.

I help women like you become the best and healthiest version of you, with break-through coaching, supportive education and planning so that you can be authentically and confidently you on a daily basis.

 I’ve never been one to sit and wonder ‘what if’. I have always been naturally curious and if an idea or experience piques my interest, I’m determined to make things happen.

As a consequence, I have travelled extensively (and so have my children!); worked in corporate and not for profit sectors; turned a hobby into a great side hustle; built 3 successful businesses; lived in Australia; published a book and in-between all of this, got my degree in psychosocial studies and professional qualifications in counselling, life coaching, health coaching, time line therapy and NLP.

I absolutely love food, enjoy cooking and how food can be used to create amazing connections and celebrations. I also have an addiction to cookbooks. I can’t stop buying, borrowing or browsing through them. So it was a bit of a surprise that it took me so damn long to make the connection between my foodie passion and an ideal business that lights me up. But hey ho! I got there in the end.

I believe wholeheartedly that not only is it 100% okay to want to explore possibilities that light you up in your health journey, it is essential. Life is not a one size fits all yet we can spend so much time and energy trying to adapt to a life that doesn’t feel authentic to us. It’s like trying to squeeze into a size 10 pair of off the peg skinny jeans when actually a tailored pair of linen trousers would put a more confident step in your walk.

Imagine living a life that gives you absolute joy whilst still having the energy to focus on the other important stuff in your life. Waking up knowing that you are fully invested in working towards what makes you tick and gets you feeling purposefully happy and body confident. And all without restrictive diet and exercise plans.

This what I love doing.

Helping women to get super clear on what health looks like and how to get it.

Ready to get some help?

I offer a limited number of free discovery calls for you to get my expertise on your current health challenge and find out how I can help.